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Seller -Ellexa Jewellery
Website -Internet store of the Seller located at
Customer -is a person using the website
Items -are products, models of which are displayed on the website
Order -is dully processed request of the Customer for delivery of the items selected on the website to the specified address
Customer account -is control panel of registered on the website Customer
Delivery Services -is a company delivering Order of the Customer
Order Status -is an element of the Order which allows Customer to receive information about the status of the Order for the present
Send Message Form -is a form Customer sends electronic message (letter, statement, claim, etc) to the Seller via a customized form on the website of the Seller located at
Seller's Mailing Address -Paldiski mnt. 157-48, 13518 Tallinn, Estonia
Shipping Company -Eesti Post AS,

Submitting this Order on the website, Customer voluntarily confirms the following:
  1. Model of the Items
    1. Pursuant to this Agreement a Model of the Item is a photographic image of appropriate Item placed on the website under Item description.
  2. Order and Payment of the Order
    1. Order is placed by Customer online on the website.
    2. Status of the Order can be tracked in "My Order" located in the Customer Account.
    3. Order, payment of which was received before 3:00 pm during working days is processed and forwarded to Delivery Services the same working day.
    4. Order, payment of which is received after 3:00 pm as well as during the weekends and holidays, is processed and forwarded to Delivery Services the following working day.
    5. Order, payment of which has not been received within 7 (seven) calendar days, is canceled.
    6. Receipt with listed items, characteristics and number of products for each item is added to the Order automatically and is avaiable in Customer Account on the website.
  3. Customer Information and Confidentiality
    1. Customer shall provide correct information during registration and placing the Order:
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Phone Number including area code of the city
      • Email address
      • Shipping Address including zip code
    2. Customer is responsible for any problems associated with delivery of the order due to incorrect information provided.
    3. All personal information of the Customer provided to the Seller by Customeк is considered as confidential information, which cannot be disclosed to Third Parties without Customer's consent with the exception of the situations connected with direct processing of the Order and forwarding necessary information to Delivery Services and as provided by the laws of Republic of Estonia.
  4. Customer's Refusal of Item within 14 days
    1. Pursuant to governing laws in European Union, Customer has a right to refuse from received item within 14 (fourteen) calendar days upon receipt of such item without explaining the reason. To refuse from the received item, Customer has to inform Seller within 14 (fourteen) calendar days upon receipt of the goods:
      • by letter sent to the Seller's address
      • or via Send Message form
    2. Seller returns the amount paid for the item (including shipping expenses incurred in connection with shipping of the item to the Customer), to the Customer account (account Customer made payment for the items from) no later than than within 30 (thirty) calendar days upon receipt of notification of refusal of the item.
    3. All expenses incurred in connection with return of the item in the amount approximately 10 (ten) euros are responsibility of the Customer.
    4. Customer shall within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of notice about intent to return the item to the Seller via return shipping to the mailing address of the Seller.
    5. Customer shall not refuse from the received item, and such item is not subject for return if the ordered item was custom made particular for the needs and/or requirements of the Customer.
    6. Returned items shall be unused and in the original package with all original markings.
  5. Seller's right to deny to process the Order
    1. Seller has the right without any sanctions to deny to process the order of the Customer in the following cases:
      • the ordered Item is out of stock
      • Customer does not comply with terms described in paragraph "1." section "VIII. Responsibility"
    2. If Seller cannot process the Order, Customer shall be immediately informed about this.
    3. Seller has the right to offer alternative to the ordered item.
    4. If Customer disagrees with an alternative item and such Customer has already paid for the Order, Seller returns to Customer the monetary amount paid for the item including shipping costs to the Customer account (account Customer made payment for the items from) no later than within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the moment Seller learned about inability to process the Order.
  6. Rights to Make a Claim
    1. Seller is responsible for any discrepancies of the shipped items ordered by the Customer on the website and/or shipped items have defects.
      If the shipped item is not what the Customer ordered on the website or if it has the defect, Customer has the right to make a claim to the Seller, the period to make a claim is 2 (two) years from the date of receipt of the item.
    2. Procedure to make a claim:
      1. Customer informs Seller about circumstances described in paragraph "1" of this section no later than within 2 (two) months upon expiration of claim date submission.
        If, in some cases, the laws of Republic of Estonia provide later terms to make claim, then, in these cases, Customer has the right to make a claim with a Seller even later pursuant to the laws of Republic of Estonia;
      2. Customer returns items to Seller no later than by the 30 (thirtieth) calendar day from the date of the claim;
      3. Seller provides a repair of the items free of charge;
      4. If the item cannot be repaired, Seller shall replace the item;
      5. If the item cannot be repaired or replaced, Seller then returns payment for the item to the Customer;
      6. If the repair and/or replacement of the item was unsuccessful, Seller did not fix the defect during the reasonable period of time, repair of the item or its replacement causes groundless inconveniences, Customer has the right to demand reduction of the price for the received item or refund in full including shipping and delivery costs of the Customer connected with its return.
      7. Seller is responsible for all shipping costs of the item including delivery of the item and shipping incurred by the Customer in connection with repair, replacement or final return of the item;
      8. Upon return of the item, Seller returns to customer payment paid by the Customer for the item;
      9. Refund to the Customer account (account Customer made payment for the item from) is made immediately no later than within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of receipt by Seller the returned item on condition that Customer complies with return policy of the items.
    3. Seller is not responsible and is not liable for additional costs for the defects of the item, which incurred as a result of duly use or service, and damage caused by Customer.
    4. Return of the items for repair and replacement as well as for final return is made by Customer to Seller via Shipping to mailing address of the Seller.
    5. The burden of proof the causation of the defect of the item is on the Seller during first six months upon receipt of the item. Thereafter, such proof is to be coordinated between Seller and Customer.
      If, upon expiration of six months it would turn out that the item conforms the item ordered by the Customer on the website and/or has no defects or such defects of the item were caused as a result of nduly usage or maintenance as well as damaged by the Customer, then Customer is liable for the expenses in connection with the proof of defect causation.
  7. Shipping and Delivery
    1. Shipping of the item is made on terms of shipping company chosen by the Customer at the checkout.
    2. Seller is not responsible for services of the shipping company.
  8. Liability
    1. using the website, Customer confirms the following:
      1. he is capable, independent, and is over 21 years old individual or that he has all rights to use the website on behalf of the company
      2. he complies with terms of use of the website;
    2. Usage of website materails, fully or partially, is prohibited.
    3. Seller reserves the right to unilaterally make changes or supplements to this Agreement and/or prices of the items by publication of the amended Agreement and/or prices on the website without any advanced notice.
    4. This Agreement and/or prices of the items are effective from date of their publication until changes to this Agreement or prices on the website are published.
    5. If Order was placed by the Customer before amended Agreement became in effect, then, an Agreement and/or prices that were in effect at the time of placing the order are applied.
    6. issues which are not covered in this Agreement(including, but not limited to the issues of amendment of the Agreement), Seller and Customer are governed by the laws of Republic of Estonia.
    7. Any disputes arisen from this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Republic of Estonia.

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